$Pages,3 $Title,CPR-Age 8 to Adult $Page1 $QT,cprage8 $QT1,0,1367 $QT2,1367,4567 $QT3,4567,11067 $SubTitle,Immediate Treatment: $Text,1. Check for consciousness. $Text,2. Send someone to call for emergency medical services. $Text,3. In an emergency where the victim is not breathing or his heart is not beating, there are three basic steps to follow: $End1 $Page2 $QT,cprage8 $QT1,11067,15700 $QT2,15700,23433 $QT3,23433,30767 $SubTitle,Immediate Treatment: $Text,4. Open the airway: roll the person on to his back, then tilt the head back. $Text,5. Restore breathing: pinch the nose closed and blow 2 full breaths into his mouth so the chest rises. Check pulse. $Text,6. Restore blood circulation: perform chest compression technique, giving 15 compressions in 10 seconds. $End2 $Page3 $QT,cprage8 $QT1,30767,42333 $SubTitle,Immediate Treatment: $Text,7. Repeat cycles of 2 breaths and 15 compressions for 4 cycles. $Text,Continue CPR until the victim begins breathing and the heart begins beating, or until professional help arrives. $End3